About Us

ARA advocates for equal human and civil rights for those affected by Ireland’s closed secret adoption system.

  • To provide information and resources to adopted people and natural family members in respect of their experience with adoption;
  • To maintain the Company’s existing peer support network of adopted people and natural family members;
  • To educate the public and enhance public awareness about adoption in Ireland;
  • To educate the public and enhance public awareness about child-centred adoption and assisted human reproductive practices;
  • To compile an archive of information relating to deaths of mothers and children at Mother and Baby Homes and similar institutions;
  • To compile an archive of information, archival records and other resources in relation to the history of adoption in Ireland;
  • To develop networks with and educate adoption professionals, adoption researchers and the wider academic community;
  • To disseminate research undertaken by Adoption Rights Alliance or others, which is relevant to the Main Objects of Adoption Rights Alliance as set out above.